Do you crave Superb Skin? Do you have a love of lotion because I sure do Honey! Oh boy do I love lotion. I am quite the lover of it. Normally my skin isn't too dry but just because Spring decided to spring upon me now my skin is all up in ash! Literally, I hate it! So now I have resorting to putting lovely lotion on my skin twice a day! I do not wear perfume, I don't like it. So I wear scented lotion (preferably fruit scents Mmmmmm)Oh goodness! As I am typing this my skin starting to itch! Nooo!
I have tried many different types of lotions. From dollar store lotion to fancy shmancy lotion! I loved it all but my FAVORITE of all time would be (Drummmm Rolllll pleasee) BATH AND BODY WORKS!My favorite time of year because of this would be when they decide to smile down upon on me and hold that oh so craved 75% off sale! I am all over that instantaneously!There is a Bath ad Body Works in the mall but I am more of a lover of the online version! They have so much more, sadly my store is more of a flower/perfume scented store, where as I am a lover of the fruit scents!They are fantabulous! I love it all! I also love their aromatherpay department as well! Mostly online too! They tend to have it cheaper online which I love (I'm quite the penny pincher). My favorite currently is the stress relief collection the Eucalyptus one! MMMM! Can you believe that they also have shampoo and conditioner? Crazy, but it's fantabulous. But it's also expensive (Thus the love of sales)! Did I mention that they also have fantastic candles? They do! So if you haven't experienced the Fantabulousness of Bath and Body Works Honey I suggest you do! And if you have Sign up online for e-mails on all the sales and check the website often! They tend to put stuff for 50% off often! Take advantage and smell great while doing it! So stay tuned for an essence of Ashley!
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